Yellow Pumpkin benefits for health

Vines, leaves large and wide, leaves the bone menjari, large fruit yellowish when ripe, while young and green. That is a brief description of the plant pumpkins. The fruit is widely used as a vegetable or eaten directly. Pumpkin also have properties to treat the disease. The part used is the fruit.

Pumpkin contains chemical compounds such as beta carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, zinc, selenium and the plant is efficacious as anti oxidants.

By eating pumpkins regularly will improve the function and work of the pancreas and insulin will be better able to perform their duties denganbaik. Besides the fruit does not raise blood sugars in the body so it is good for preventing diabetes.

Pumpkin has the benefit of protecting the digestive system that can still work well because of the high fiber content. The fibers are sufficiently distanced us from constipation, hemorrhoids, colon cancer and other digestive problems. Fiber is also highly recommended in a healthy diet, diet to control cholesterol, weight loss diets and diet for diabetes.

Pumpkin is very good for the health of the kidneys and can prevent premature aging because it contains antioxidants. to treat ulcers and as a laxative urine that has been known since long. 

Pumpkin is rich in vitamins A, C and E and minerals, which serves to help boost immunity and anti-free radicals.

Pumpkin contain beta carotene to prevent lung disease and colon cancer. Beta carotene is also good for your heart health.

Naturally pumpkin contains omega 3 fatty acids which is very good for brain health.
Pumpkin seeds contain alkaloids useful as anti-cancer, which is very good for preventing attacks cancer cells.

Pumpkin seeds and skin mangandung magnesium, potassium and zinc which are essential to health, which is good for immunity, strength and bone density. Pumpkin is also very nice to help fight hypertension or high blood pressure.

How to use :
As an antioxidant used and eaten ripe fruit or vegetables according to taste.

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